Wednesday, January 20, 2010

LJI Director Tracie Washington named as Board member for the Gulf Coast Trans-Disciplinary Research Recovery Center for Community Health

The Gulf Coast Trans-Disciplinary Research Recovery Center for Community Health (TRRCCH) announced today that they have named Louisiana Justice Institute director Tracie Washington as one of their External Advisory Board members.

The TRRCCH brings together a remarkable array of academic leadership in a new consortium of seven outstanding medical and public health institutions and centers:

* Lovell A. Jones, PhD, (TRRCCH Co-PI) Professor and Director, Center for Research on Minority Health, The University of Texas M.D. Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, Texas
* Maureen Lichtveld, MD, MPH, (TRRCH Co-PI) Professor and Chair, Department of Environmental Health Sciences, School of Public Health and Tropical Medicine, Tulane University, New Orleans, Louisiana
* Alexandra B. Nolen, PhD, MPH, Acting Director, Center to Eliminate Health Disparities Associate Director. {AJP/WHO Collaborating Center for Training in International Health, University of Texas Medical Branch, Galveston, Texas
* The University of Miami Leonard M. Miller School of Medicine, Miami, Florida
* Armin Weinberg, PhD, Professor and Director, Chronic Disease Prevention & Control Research Center, Baylor College of Medicine, Houston, Texas
* Patricia Matthews-Juarez, PhD, Professor, Department of Family and Community Medicine and Associate Vice President, Faculty Affairs and Development, Meharry Medical College, Nashville, Tennessee
* Faith Foreman, DrPH, Assistant Director, City of Houston, Department of Health and Human Services, Houston, Texas

The TRRCCH Consortium will focus on (1) advancing innovative community-centered, trans-disciplinary research that targets social determinants of health to promote health and prevent diseases in all communities; (2) engaging community participation to work with trans-disciplinary professionals to develop culturally intervention research for vulnerable populations; (3) promoting educational opportunities, job trainings, social entrepreneurship and environmental justice that connects health, environment and economic development; (4) integrating science, practice and policy to develop best health practices that lead to individual, group and community behavior change, and health security for communities; and (5) developing trans-disciplinary and multi-system approaches, models, and materials that can be replicated in other communities that face similar challenges in other regions of the country.

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